September 01, 2010

Paris Hilton Blacklisted By Las Vegas Nightclubs?

Let's get real people.

The latest headlines will tell you that her partying days in Las Vegas are numbered.  They quote "industry executives" as stating "Considering she’s busted for cocaine, people might assume that she’s going to the club either to use coke or she’s already on coke, and no club wants to be associated with that.”

Turning Paris Hilton away from a nightclub on suspicion of using or possessing cocaine will happen the same day Ben Roethlisberger gets turned away on suspicion of being a creepy drunk around women.

It's likely that Paris will lay low for awhile, as most celebs do.  But rest assured, she will not miss the next big media covered party, arriving clean and sober to blow kisses to the cameras and show that she is a changed person.

Read More On Paris' Arrest In the "Healthy Lifestyle" section of ->>>

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